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Oz | Backtrace

A member registered Nov 30, 2021

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(2 edits)

That's looking really nice! I like the art style and the rocket propeller mechanics looks smooth.

(1 edit)

@here how's the day been so far? We'd love to see your progress! Feel free to share in our Discord channel or reply below

Good progress! I like the concept of violence meter and using it as a game end trigger

We are not trying to stifle creativity. If you can use any gameplay elements that are integral to your game's storyline or concept. The core idea is that the overall messaging from the game should not condone violence. I think both Plan B and Plan A work too, in the aspect you have described. 

Looking good! Now let's add some astrophysics based game mechanics! Jokes apart, that's great progress. Meanwhile, just curious to hear your game idea and how you've planned it for the 'No violence' theme.

Yes, you can configure Backtrace to use an offline database to collect the error information and send it when the system connects again to internet. You can read more about it here:

Please check this out for step by step instructions:

No violence

I understand!  We will definitely miss you and everyone else who cannot attend the game jam this time but I hope that you will join us for our next game jam in December.

You are welcome! Feel free to contact us again if you require further help at any point.

@Hyperkvlt, I have created a step-by-step walkthrough to show how to import Backtrace into Unity. Please let me know if you have further questions.

(2 edits)

@Hyperkvlt, Let me post an updated video with step by step instructions on how to integrate Backtrace SDK into Unity. I will be posting it shortly.


1. Importing Backtrace into Unity:

2. Configuring Backtrace to report errors:

3. Steps to create a free Backtrace trial account: View here